Home Decor

Common Rodent Access Points, Signs, and Tips to Keep Rodents Away! 

The Broward County dwellers know how important it is to keep their homes rodents-free. Regardless of how diligently you try to safeguard your property, the rodents & bugs’ presence indicates an unhygienic property. Whether in the attic, kitchen, bedroom, or dining room, a rodent’s presence can spark intimidation in every homeowner of Broward County. Rodents need to shelter inside mainly during the fall and colder months, gradually creating a nasty infestation. If you have a rodent infestation at your Florida property and want to get rid of them, a “pest control Broward county” service can assist. 

Common Access Points of Rodents

  • Holes around appliance pipes or sink and doors & windows.
  • Misplaced screens in crawl spaces or vents under buildings. 
  • Holes in the adjacent closets, cabinets, and doors lead to crawl regions or outside. 
  • Fractured foundation in the unscreened ventilation hole in the attic, mainly in outdated structures.

When you have obstructed the entry points and stopped the food & water sources, most rodents will leave your property instantly. But the remaining creatures might still be there, so you need pest control services on your Florida property. 

Signs of Rodent Infestation in Your Property

Did you sense a rodent infestation at home? Below are some of the leading signs to watch out for:

Droppings and urine

Rodents, precisely, rat droppings, are tiny and shiny black pellets approximately 1/2th to 3/4th of an inch long. They appear more round, whereas mice droppings have sharped edges. Moreover, rats can be found between objects, such as furniture and walls. As they follow this path, they may leave greasy smears on your walls and furniture.

Smells & noise

One of the most common indications of rat infestation is the smell. They exude a distinct smell like ammonia. Once you have identified this smell, you will quickly understand that the scent is moving forward. Moreover, rats aren’t silent creatures; they’re noisy at night. You will then hear them scratching, squeaking, and rusting noises. You might have a rat infestation at home if you notice the noises or smell. 

Tips to Keep Rodents at Bay

One of the best strategies to keep rats at bay is to apply some mindful approaches. Once the rodent infestation has started, they’re challenging to eliminate! Hence, below are the top 5 ways to control rodent infestation at home.

Indoor Recommendations

  • Wash food and drink containers before recycling or throwing them away.
  • Mend leaky pipes without any delay.
  • Maintain the cleanliness of crawl regions, attic, and cabinets. 
  • Never leave your pet food out overnight. 
  • Protect every food item, for example, chips, breakfast cereals, and crackers in containers.
  • Declutter your property as a grimy home attracts rodents for nesting. 

Outdoor Recommendations 

  • Keep firewood away from structures and off the ground to diminish shelter scopes.
  • Never plant ivy, as it offers shelter and a food source for rodents like slugs and snails. Ivy on walls can create rat ladders to the interior spaces.
  • Maintain the cleanliness of outdoor cooking areas.
  • Always maintain a 2-foot distance between shrubs, bushes, buildings, and fences. Moreover, don’t forget to eliminate tree limbs within 3 feet of a roof. 
  • Maintain a minimum two-inch height for your lawn and keep compost piles as far away from buildings as possible.


Rodents are the most annoying and uninvited household pets, as they foster diseases. They not only damage your property but also contaminate your food. Therefore, one of the most effective strategies for eliminating rodents is hiring professional rodent controllers when you notice the signs of rodent infestation. You must avoid taking a chance while dealing with them as they are dangerous creatures. 

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